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The Premier Post​

Graduate to a New Experience


Last Week, as I attend my sons High School Graduation I watched as he completes one part of his life and now opens a new chapter as he next moves on to College.

I thought of how many potential customers might be dealing with one manufacturer or machinery vendor who they may not be totally excited with their experience and are looking for something better in their next chapter.

In today’s premier post minute – We want to discuss the Premier Machine Tool Experience.

When looking for a machine most guys take the “cookie cut” approach and offer this model or that model and force customers to use a spreadsheet to see who might work best? 

But what if you could have a distributor who was different and came with Ideas. Not one idea, but more than one to give you solutions to find the right answer.

Wouldn’t it be great if they worked to better understand your expectations and goals. Not their goals, Your Goals!

If this sounds like the partnership you would like to be part of, we would love to have you as one of our customers.


So if your thinking you also need to graduate to a new experience like all those High School Graduates this year then lets talk.

Let us start by having you call or text us the word “graduation” and we will start with a free evaluation of which solution will be the right answer for you.

This is going to be a great day and please make it your great day.


Premier Machine Tool Midwest – 414-254-5150 / info@pmtmidwest.com