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Helping Manufactures Emerge to the New Normal – Interview with Jeffrey Gitomer


Helping Manufactures Emerge to the New Normal – Interview with Jeffrey Gitomer

Welcome to this edition of the Premier Post Minute with our incredibly special guest- who I have been reading his articles in the business journal since late 1990s.

He is known as the “King of Sales” and has been helping people succeed since 1988! His sales training programs are top-notch! Providing sales consulting, sales training, sales coaching, and more!

He has written 16 bestselling books including The Little Red Book of Selling and his latest book Get Shit Done! Plus, He has multiple top sales training programs available! Please welcome our very special guest- Jeffrey Gitomer

A lot of our customers are either doing really great or are struggling and each for many different reasons but right now we are in a period of uncertainty. That is why I am very excited to be able to do this interview today with Jeffrey. It is great to be able to offer help to all our customers. Especially for people wanting to emerge as a winner!

But How do you Emerge? What can you do? What will the new normal look like? These are all questions Jeffrey Gitomer can help answer today. Recover as a Winner! There are specific measured and NEW actions to understand, put into action and master.

NOW IS THE TIME to take full advantage of what portends to become the greatest economic recovery in the past century. Get ahead of the curve and stay on top of your selling opportunities – very affordably.

As Jeffrey can help you recover a Winner, plus Premier Machine Tool Midwest is here to help you!

For those who want to get in contact with Jeffrey- www.gitomer.com / www.thenewnormalcourse.com

We look forward to all of you becoming one of our customers.

Let us start by calling or texting me the word “new normal” and we can get you more information and help sign you up.

Until next time- Be successful today, cheers!

Premier Machine Tool Midwest: Sales 414-254-5150 info@pmtmidwest.com